Saturday 16 February 2013


Vandalism is the behavior attributed to the vandals, by the Romans, in respect of culture. Vandalism is the conspicuous defacement or destruction of a structure or symbol against the will of the owner or the governing body. Vandalism is also categorized to be wrong in law. Unfortunately, social problems among students of the deepening concern to all parties. Vandalism is a problem that gets to everyone in some form or another. It can affect your family, friends, properties and communities around us. Vandalism or destruction of public properties is not only detrimental to the various parties, but also tarnish the image of our countries.  

What are the disadvantages due this act of vandalism? Firstly, all of the communities in these countries will face many problems in everyday affairs. For example, if public toilets destroyed, surely people can't use it properly and they will feel uncomfortable. It would be inconvenient to users who want to use public toilets. If  public telephones were damaged, it will bring inconvenience to the public to contact authorities in the event of bad things such as fires, accidents, crime, sick family members and so on. People will surely suffer problems if public telephones have been destroyed.

In addition, the disadvantages vandalism is that it would annoy us. Individual who commits an act of damaging public property would be arrested. This is because when they were caught, these individuals will be prosecuted and sentenced to prison. Government responds to users who abuse public property will be fined. who are the offenders? Those who vandalize are typically young, male and acting in small groups. They are roughly 12-15 years old and become less frequent as the students reach upper secondary school.

Vandalism committed by children will burden their parents. Parents will also feel embarrassed when their children are arrested for committing a crime of vandalism. It would dishonor the family. Parents also have to spend a lot of money to secure their children in court. It is very detrimental to the parents who had to bail out  their children. Parents who have children in prison will feel depress and certainly will inconvenient and embarrassing them. So children should not commit vandalism that family honor is not contaminated.

Furthermore, vandalism will also give a bad image to our countries. If tourists are find damage of public facilities, then they would have a negative view on the attitude of Malaysian people. This is very alarming to the government who had struggled to attract tourists to come to Malaysia. Foreign tourists are also likely to tell about the culture of Malaysia to the family, neighbors and friends when they return to their homeland. And worse, they will not come here anymore. It will affect tourism of our countries. 

Now, what is the type of vandalism? Examples of vandalism in schools include graffiti art in the toilets, lab tables, classroom furniture and walls. Sometimes, we can see on the table in our classes full of graffiti art like "Abu loves Siti". Nevertheless another example of vandalism is destruction of public properties such as public telephones, vending machines, fences and even signboard on the road.

What are the effects of vandalism? In the case of vandalism to private property, the owner who is the victim may feel afraid. The victims are fearful that the destruction will occur again. In consequence, they are restless and feel insecure. Moreover, the destruction of private property causes a lot of financial loss to the victims. If the property is not covered by insurance, the victims have to dig their own money. 

Not only that, vandalism also affects the environment. For instance, the harm on the environment occurs when the vandals engrave on trees and throw the cigarette mindlessly. It causes damage on the affect areas. A playground which is supposed to be beautiful has turned into a crime infested place.

In conclusion, vandalism damage not only the property, but ruins are greater. Vandalism is costly financially affect the environment and causes sociological damages. Hence, we as individual must be responsible in carrying our role in our communities. We must have determinate in whatever we do. This is because we have religious beliefs that prohibit vandalism.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Favourite Cartoons...

When I was little I was very interested in cartoons such as Dragon Ball, Shin Chan, Naruto, Shaman King, Digimon and others. I'm more interesting many anime cartoons. The stories made me interested to watch the cartoon. Now I am still watch cartoons like Naruto Shippuden and Crayon Shin Chan.

The plot tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and dreams to become the Hokage, the ninja in his village who is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of all.This story tells of a boy to undergo hardships of everyday life after the death of her parents. Naruto's life in great pain after the death of his parents. He is a brave boy, strong in facing trials and a hardworking boy. This character can I emulate such as hard to do things in earnest when I am studying or do any assignment. Then the story is very interesting for me.

I am also interested in Shin Chan cartoon. This story made ​​me laugh non-stop. It follows the adventures of the five-year-old Shinnosuke "Shin" Nohara and his parents, baby sister, dog, neighbors, and friends and is set in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture.

Shinnosuke Nohara, commonly known as Shin Chan is the main character in this cartoon. He is a kindergarten-aged boy whose antics are the basis for the series.His affectionate name is Shin Chan. He is 5 years old and loves chocolate biscuits, especially "Chocobi" and a TV superhero named "Action Kamen".

He is attracted to older girls and women, despite his young age, and pays no attention to girls of his own age. He always pursues any girl who catches his eye. He shares this trait with his father and paternal grandfather, but this often results in Mom's cruel punishment. The only girl he seems to really like is a college student named Nanako, around whom he becomes shy. However he also often exhibits deep affection for his friend Kazama.

He also makes trouble for others and then criticizes their efforts in covering for him. In general, he is brutally honest, highly curious, and has no shame whatsoever, which includes getting rid of his clothes at the earliest opportunity. There have been several instances in which his antics actually solved the problems of those around him. He also displays a surprising amount of talent at various activities including kendo and swimming. 
Although Shin Chan is a naughty boy but he is a very friendly and easy to get along with those around him.

Although I'm already getting older, but I still watch this cartoon.That is all my favourite cartoons...

Sunday 3 February 2013

My Future Wife

Everyone especially men have any dream future wife. It is very important to have a person you can always rely on. I want my wife to be this person.I also have dreams in selecting future wife.  She would be tightly connected with my life. The first thing I would see would be her smiling face. She would make a breakfast for us. We would call each other from time to time during all day. In the evening I want to have dinner with her, cooked by her, and fall asleep holding my arms around her. 

In this case I want to find an ideal woman. Is it possible nowadays? I do not think so, but a girl should have at least next qualities to become my wife. First of all, my future wife should be has a beautiful face like Yoona. She looks very gorgeous. She is my taste. I will get marry with my future wife around 2020 when I am 25 years old.  Besides my future wife should be my best friend. I want to share all my troubles, sorrows and dreams with her. She would never let me down and I could always rely on her. 

Secondly, I want my wife to be my partner. Everything would be common for us our children, our house, our money, and duties. And we would have to make important decisions together. They should be sensible and reasonable. Also, we should trust each other. She must has a good attitude and polite to me and my beloved parents. My parents will be happy when my future wife has a good attitude.

Next, I want to have a good mother for my future children. She should be caring, gentle, understanding, firm with her children and sometimes strict with them because a mother plays more important role in bringing up children than a man does. I wish my children were worthy members of modern society. 

Then, my wife should be an elegant and a good-looking woman. I want her to have smartness and beauty combined. Nowadays it is quite difficult to find a girl who is smart and beautiful at the same time but I will do my best to find her. When I am marrying with her I will bring her go to honeymoon in Jeju island. I will make her happy with me until forever.

Moreover, I want her to be neither a "business lady" nor a "household drudge". If she were a business lady she would not have enough time for kids, me, our home, and even herself. And if she were a "household drudge" she would be narrow-minded because of lack of communication. She must knows how to manage time to spend time with me and the kids when she has a job. She should be obey to religion. When she complied with the religion, she will respect me as a husband. 

Finally, I want to say that my future wife has all these qualities. She certainly has her shortcomings, but I do not pay much attention to them. I can share all my troubles, sorrows and dreams with her. She never hurts me and I will do my best not to lose her.