Sunday 3 February 2013

My Future Wife

Everyone especially men have any dream future wife. It is very important to have a person you can always rely on. I want my wife to be this person.I also have dreams in selecting future wife.  She would be tightly connected with my life. The first thing I would see would be her smiling face. She would make a breakfast for us. We would call each other from time to time during all day. In the evening I want to have dinner with her, cooked by her, and fall asleep holding my arms around her. 

In this case I want to find an ideal woman. Is it possible nowadays? I do not think so, but a girl should have at least next qualities to become my wife. First of all, my future wife should be has a beautiful face like Yoona. She looks very gorgeous. She is my taste. I will get marry with my future wife around 2020 when I am 25 years old.  Besides my future wife should be my best friend. I want to share all my troubles, sorrows and dreams with her. She would never let me down and I could always rely on her. 

Secondly, I want my wife to be my partner. Everything would be common for us our children, our house, our money, and duties. And we would have to make important decisions together. They should be sensible and reasonable. Also, we should trust each other. She must has a good attitude and polite to me and my beloved parents. My parents will be happy when my future wife has a good attitude.

Next, I want to have a good mother for my future children. She should be caring, gentle, understanding, firm with her children and sometimes strict with them because a mother plays more important role in bringing up children than a man does. I wish my children were worthy members of modern society. 

Then, my wife should be an elegant and a good-looking woman. I want her to have smartness and beauty combined. Nowadays it is quite difficult to find a girl who is smart and beautiful at the same time but I will do my best to find her. When I am marrying with her I will bring her go to honeymoon in Jeju island. I will make her happy with me until forever.

Moreover, I want her to be neither a "business lady" nor a "household drudge". If she were a business lady she would not have enough time for kids, me, our home, and even herself. And if she were a "household drudge" she would be narrow-minded because of lack of communication. She must knows how to manage time to spend time with me and the kids when she has a job. She should be obey to religion. When she complied with the religion, she will respect me as a husband. 

Finally, I want to say that my future wife has all these qualities. She certainly has her shortcomings, but I do not pay much attention to them. I can share all my troubles, sorrows and dreams with her. She never hurts me and I will do my best not to lose her.